I would like to welcome Yulia Fedotova to Mill Street Studio for her 1st workshop with us. Yulia will do 3 one-hour sets ranging from casual/fashion to lingerie/boudoir. After the Workshop she will be booking 1v1’s. To book her for a 1v1 please reach out to me to get on the list.
The cost for this workshop is $125.00. A $65.00 non-refundable processing and setup fee is required to hold your spot with the remaining balance due by September 7th, 2024. Payments can be made with the options below:
You can sign up at the link below or text/call me at
(20+) Workshop with Yulia Fedotova | Facebook
Payments options:
Cash App: $millstreetstudio
ZELLE: (609)770-1400
Venmo: @millstreetstudio
or call the studio @ (609)770-1400 to pay with a credit or debit card.
The FULL payment of $125.00 is due and NON-REFUNDABLE if the photographer cancels after September 9th, 2024. Please note that just because you have RSVP ‘ed as going on the meet up page that does not mean you have a photographer spot, you must be on the attending photographers list, you will be added to this list once your deposit is paid (list at end of description). There is a maximum of 8 photographer spots available. We will need 4 Paid photographers to have the workshop.
Recent Changes:
- All photographers should text me there contact information so they can be notified of any changes @ (609)770-1400
- If model cancels for any reason, we are authorized to locate a replacement model with no credits or refunds will be issued.
If you have any comments/questions/concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. You can message Mill Street Studio on meet up, message millstreetphotographystudio on Instagram or call me at (609)770-1400.
Social Media:
4:00- 4:30
4:30 – 5:00